Mediterraneo de Saint-Denis




🕗 horaire

52, Rue Victor Mac-Auliffe, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 13 47 02
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8772, Longitude: 55.4534964

commentaires 5

  • Matt Alexei

    Matt Alexei


    Best pizza on earth 🍕🌍

  • Jean François Trancoso

    Jean François Trancoso



  • L. S.

    L. S.


    The place to be if you wish to eat the best pizza in all the island!! You will find the same taste as if you were in Italy

  • Andrea De Fusco

    Andrea De Fusco


    After surranding the S. Denis city we find this amazing Italian restaurant, and the owner was really helpful for us... we want eating something that make feel us like we were in Italy... and surely it was pure Italian tasty easy style... what else... the best for me... we will go there every time we coming to RĂ©union Island ... high recommended...

  • Adam Adra

    Adam Adra


    One of the best Italian restaurant i have been to in a while.We ordered Pizza, pasta, and breaded chicken. All was perfect. restaurant is clean and the service is amazing !

Restaurant la plus proche

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