Majik Glaces de Saint-Denis

RéunionMajik Glaces



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107, Rue Juliette Dodu, 97490, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 29 59 04
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8802783, Longitude: 55.4519136

commentaires 5

  • Audrey Guichard

    Audrey Guichard


    A family ice cream parlor with a nice atmosphere. Well known to children attending the small medersa next door, we tend to forget it for adults. For lovers of Indian and Mauritian cuisine, do not hesitate to taste their specialty such as falouda, a kind of Mauritian milkshake with several spices, very appreciated by my brother, a big spice lover (my stomach is too fragile for me) . For vegetarians there are also possibilities. For my part, I really liked this bubble waffle, my gluttony having made me opt for scoops of ice cream as an accompaniment. It is also possible to have toppings, I try not to exceed too much sugar. Some ice cream flavors are low in sugar or fat for people concerned about these particularities.

  • Marc OYAPOC

    Marc OYAPOC


    Disappointed with pancakes and service; -12mn to serve us 3 pancakes (already made in advance) - €12.5 for 3 pancakes including 1 with sugar - the so-called salted butter caramel had to be looked for with a magnifying glass in the pancake, the almost non-existent sugar Unfortunately we took them away because you can imagine that once 2km away we won't call you back... so it's up to you to be professional and to provide a service in line with the prices you charge, in particular on the quantity of toppings, because in our case, it was almost empty, the pancakes were therefore dry

  • bl Anne So

    bl Anne So


    Really a delicious waffle that I ate, the flavors of ice cream make you want to taste them all! I would come back for sure!!! I was well received and informed at the same time

  • Lynda Venerosy (Lyna Réunina)

    Lynda Venerosy (Lyna Réunina)


    The ice creams are perfect, served a little small but I can't wait to taste all the other surprising flavors





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