Leader Price de Saint Paul

RéunionLeader Price



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69, Route Hubert Delisle, 97423, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 39 55 28
site web: www.leaderprice.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.021064, Longitude: 55.313711

commentaires 5

  • Muryel Settenave

    Muryel Settenave


    Dirty store. Freezer bins split or without lid (broken)... very often frozen products are thawed and refrozen, softened... the dairy products section leaves something to be desired, lack of choice, exaggerated prices... Mixed or non-existent price tags. General impression of letting go... That's a shame !

  • Pilou Pilou

    Pilou Pilou


    Good morning, Cozy store, everything you need. Correct prices. However, it's been twice that I've taken meat from the butcher's department and twice that I've had a stomach ache the next day... Pay attention to hygiene...

  • Marie P Cercopaulet

    Marie P Cercopaulet


    This super store nearby 2 at my place no traffic jam no 2 queue at the checkout today Tuesday meat 2 beef from Reunion in the window Thursday goat country and Friday fresh rabbit

  • N M

    N M


    Nice store, pleasant team and above all serves a lot of people in the highlands.

  • dragon fabien

    dragon fabien


    Brand new store, good choice of products, very correct prices, very full shelves, tidy and prices displayed for all products (this is far from being the case everywhere in Reunion, even if it is compulsory ). A nice team. I liked it and I will return.

Supermarché la plus proche

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