Le Ti Vacoa de Saint-Philippe

RéunionLe Ti Vacoa



🕗 horaire

57, Route Nationale 2 Baril, 97442, Saint-Philippe, Canton de Saint-Benoît-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 97 81 06
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3691784, Longitude: 55.7257559

commentaires 5

  • Anaïs



    Friendly, quick and convenient. Friendly welcome, exceptional view and very good and spicy meals.

  • Julie Bruyère

    Julie Bruyère


    Warm ! You talk fire me this girl! We often come with the children but now we look for food elsewhere. Very unpleasant, she pulls a face 10 feet long and always refuses to heat the mash for my bb ..... supposedly no microwave or other bogus excuses. Too bad this frame deserves a lot better.

  • jerome hoarau

    jerome hoarau


    We ordered sandwiches and to give an opinion I would say that they are well stocked and good after the rest of the sandwiches. On the other hand a big plus for the tacos that I recommend because very well supplied and very good After to tell you more they also end meals to take away or on site

  • Erwan Daspet

    Erwan Daspet


    Setting just beautiful but unfortunately they forgot our order, they told us after an hour of waiting when we finally claimed our order. No excuses, reproaches saying that all the customers are impatient and that they cannot go faster, but there were no more customers than elsewhere. the customers after us were just as unhappy.

  • Ulrich BIGOT

    Ulrich BIGOT


    Nice setting, friendly staff. Loyalty card available for sandwiches. The preparations are fast and of high quality. I recommend.

Restaurant la plus proche

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