Mam'Zelle Pizza Saint-Joseph de Saint-Joseph

RéunionMam'Zelle Pizza Saint-Joseph



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169, Rue Raphaël Babet, 97480, Saint-Joseph, Canton de Saint-Joseph, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 78 41 98
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3797049, Longitude: 55.6153634

commentaires 5

  • Sab. Payet

    Sab. Payet


    Friendly welcome The pizzas are delicious and good And there's an extra touch for chilli lovers kaffir lime oil A real treat 😋 I highly recommend

  • Montanier Aude

    Montanier Aude


    Super friendly and pleasant staff! The pizzas are just delicious, we had a blast!!! The dough is thin and crispy, the tomato sauce...magical, the mozzarella is melting, it's been a long time since we had eaten such good ones! We will go back!!

  • S Launay

    S Launay


    The pizzas are delicious, the place is really very pleasant and the welcome and service were impeccable. Good wine and good Italian beer as a specialty. Would it be possible to keep the dough crispy even in the middle where it is naturally softer with the generous topping?

  • Irene S Leung

    Irene S Leung


    We stopped to get a pizza before going to a park to enjoy the sunset. The service was quick. But the Pizza Margherita was a disappointment. The crust was fine. But black olives instead of fresh basil?!?? and no mozzarella?!! So call the pizza something else rather than Margherita!! On top of that, although it was a take out, they did not slice the pizza. So we had to tear it apart with our hands while watching the sunset. 🙄 In short, this pizza experience is not worthy of an award winning restaurant.

  • Pitolet Jeff

    Pitolet Jeff



Restaurant la plus proche

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