Le Santa Cruz de Saint Paul

RéunionLe Santa Cruz



🕗 horaire

3, Route du Trou d'Eau, 97434, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 54 50 44
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0901681, Longitude: 55.2354663

commentaires 5

  • Johann Vicq

    Johann Vicq


    Great place!! I take my grandchildren there often for a great hamburger and fries!!! Very friendly and caring team.

  • virginie legros

    virginie legros


    Warm and welcoming place, top team, caring staff, excellent value for money, the park next door for children and Friday evening concerts for parents!🤌👌

  • Legros Aurélie

    Legros Aurélie


    We are often there at the end of the day after school. My daughter does her homework and has her snack at Santa Cruz before heading to the park across the street, which allows me to watch her while staying put. It is therefore a great place suitable for children and parents alike. My child grew up with the Santa Cruz, she now plays in the skate park and enjoys skating lessons on the weekends. Since its opening this place has evolved a lot… They have made it a very welcoming, friendly place, and now festive with a few concerts at the end of the day. The new team is great! The menu is varied and above all very affordable!

  • Lila Tel

    Lila Tel


    Good meal, home like home. We recommend!

  • Cédric Mourouvin

    Cédric Mourouvin


    Simple, effective and good. The space has been redone since returning with more room to eat, larger terrace. Pebble parking with a little dust but nothing bothersome. We recommend with colleagues!

Café la plus proche

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