Café 1715 de Saint Paul

RéunionCafé 1715



🕗 horaire

11, Rue Antoine Roussin, 97460, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 693 49 63 63
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.013149, Longitude: 55.2652241

commentaires 5

  • Janosch Förster

    Janosch Förster


    For me one of the best Cafe's on Reunion. You can drink a really good coffee in a beatiful designed shop. The service was also perfect. I will come again :)

  • Matthias Bethke

    Matthias Bethke


    The Cappuccino and Cookie was very good. Love greeting from the german guys Kathrin & Matthias

  • Jakob Jørgensen

    Jakob Jørgensen


    THE place on the entire island. Here I can relax and sometimes even among beautiful things and pieces of art. Service de is excellent and the coffee too. They roast their own coffee you can buy, grind and use at home. Don't hesitate, don't be late, just go....

  • Sabrina S

    Sabrina S


    Very good time, under a mango tree, to taste a quality coffee. The place is calm I'll be back

  • Laura Ait

    Laura Ait


    Great selection of coffees and drinks! A real HAPPINESS to find a nice roast on the island, and a good pour. Espresso of the day, honduras, round and chocolatey, to drink in the garden/patio where you could stay for hours. Drinks based on cocoa, tea, agave, homemade and very accomplished in taste and texture. I plan to come back any day I'm in the border towns

Café la plus proche

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