Le Jaipur de Saint-Denis

RéunionLe Jaipur



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48, Rue Pasteur, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 94 25 25
site web: m.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8786869, Longitude: 55.4516411

commentaires 5

  • Sopou 974

    Sopou 974


    The welcome is impeccable and the staff is friendly. The dishes are well presented too. However, I didn't really like the meal. I have already done a lot of Indian restaurants here and outside the department… and this one disappointed me a little. The price remains affordable.

  • D May

    D May


    Great and authentic Indian food served beautifully arranged by attentive waiters. On request, they apply different levels of spice to your dish. In addition and again, authentically Indian, there are vegatarian dishes. When not finished completely, they offer to pack the remains into a doggie bag for you to take home, a great contribution to stop food waste. The restaurant filled up quite quickly, so as other reviewers suggested earlier, make a reservation.

  • Sandeep Aggarwal

    Sandeep Aggarwal


    The taste was good. Dish quantity was small. Nice staff.

  • Ravi Peiris

    Ravi Peiris


    We had a nice meal at Jaipur. The service was nice. The main course was nice but the portions were too small for the price. The dessert was average. It wasn't freshly made. Overall, Jaipur is good but could be better.

  • Arpit Jain

    Arpit Jain


    Good food

Restaurant la plus proche

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