Le Cap Marine - Salle de réception de Saint-Pierre

RéunionLe Cap Marine - Salle de réception


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17, Avenue Daniel Ramin, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-3, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 86 62 58
site web: www.capmarine.net
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3615253, Longitude: 55.5278219

commentaires 5

  • Patrice DE GLICOURT

    Patrice DE GLICOURT


    This room is a class below its big sister "Cap Marine 2" in terms of space, configuration and layout, lighting, bar service, sometimes hasty staff, musical atmosphere and the animation, the choice and the quality of the buffets. Service correct but fair enough compared to our expectation. The outdoor setting is exotic with the sea, especially during the day...

  • anne-marie Kolomoetz

    anne-marie Kolomoetz


    Good organization for the 80/90 party. Good atmosphere. Right price.

  • Fabrice Chamand

    Fabrice Chamand


    Well located by the sea, there is parking, a room that can accommodate more than 300 people. The food is okay.

  • The Guardian

    The Guardian


    It is a magnificent reception hall and we have fun there and we eat and drink very well. In a pleasant setting it is a magical and very pleasant place 🎉🎇🎊🎆✹

  • Arsen C.

    Arsen C.


    I'm not talking about the outside because I had a wedding in the evening so no view of the beach. The room is large enough for a maximum of 100 people, but its L-shape does not allow everyone to enjoy the show while sitting at the table.

Restaurant la plus proche

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