La KrĂȘpe Rit de Saint Paul

RĂ©unionLa KrĂȘpe Rit



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96, Rue Fond Generese, 97460, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 44 35 98
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0458664, Longitude: 55.2559877

commentaires 5

  • Gaelle Noeuveglise

    Gaelle Noeuveglise


    It must have been good, there was a time and although the boss was very friendly, the quality is not there or anymore... we were the only customers one weekday lunchtime with 2-3 guys who were drinking their beer rather loudly on the terrace side (regulars?). The places are not very well maintained (room, wc
) it’s a shame given the location. I positively encourage the boss(es) to take matters into their own hands because the potential is there!

  • Aden Ali

    Aden Ali


    Great place with an owner who cares about the environment and the local people.

  • François Defaud

    François Defaud


    It's simple, it's good and the owner is super nice. All that remains is to have a good time with colleagues, friends and even family. Have fun 👍â˜șâ˜ș

  • Pascale BOUSQUET

    Pascale BOUSQUET


    Come for lunch with the family. Very friendly welcome. Delicious savory and sweet pancakes. Fast service. I recommend ++++

  • Vincent TORNEY

    Vincent TORNEY


    Fairly ordinary creperie. We come here to eat quickly more than to taste real good pancakes / pancakes. They are ordinary, we do the same at home. Indeed, the products used for making pancakes, salads, mayonnaise, vinaigrette are all industrial. The basket bread was hard and of poor quality. So, the good thing is, it's not very expensive. The service is correct, fast, the staff welcoming and friendly. There is an air-conditioned room and a terrace with an area nearby where children can play.

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