La cabane du four à chaux de Petite Île

RéunionLa cabane du four à chaux



🕗 horaire

Grande Anse, Petite Île 97429, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3697876, Longitude: 55.54892

commentaires 5

  • Toto 5591

    Toto 5591


    Small bar on the edge of a beautiful beach. Friendly waiter. Affordable prices

  • Mathis Aloyau

    Mathis Aloyau


    Very disappointed with your welcome 2 days ago, I am a client who comes regularly, usually always well received with politeness, but the other day not at all, the gentleman who took the orders was clearly not there to please the customer, no smile, almost no hello, eat while taking my order and above all tell me the price directly when I finish telling him the order without asking me "please" there is no form of respect! ! Really very disappointed by your welcome sir, your pancakes and smoothies are still very good.

  • amandine hoarau

    amandine hoarau


    Very disappointed because the manager makes customer preferences. We asked for 2 banana smoothies, unfortunately there weren't enough bananas left for two so we decided to take just one. The customer just after us (who seemed to know the manager well) in turn asks for a banana smoothie and coincidentally it is possible! Without embarrassment, in front of us, it is shameful. To answer your answer, at no time did you notify us, of course we would have taken a 3 fruit smoothie! It's a shame, because I think you saw that we were very surprised!

  • El Comandante

    El Comandante


    Small kiosk right on the beach at Grande Anse, a bit hidden behind the old lime kiln building. Fresh smoothies and delicious crepes.

  • patrick figuin

    patrick figuin


    We eat really very well and its mixed fruit juices are very refreshing 🌞👍

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