Labyrinth In Champ-Tea de SAINT JOSEPH

RéunionLabyrinth In Champ-Tea



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18 rue Emile Mussard, Grand Coude, SAINT JOSEPH 97480, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 60 18 88
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.296058, Longitude: 55.629144

commentaires 5

  • FABIAN Mitrache

    FABIAN Mitrache


    They have done a very good thing out of that place. Go and see it for yourself and learn new and beautiful things

  • Yves Land

    Yves Land



  • eric leroy

    eric leroy


    A very popular place in G C. visited by locals and foreigners alike. There are 2 attractions: the tea estate and the tea house with all the different products on sale nicely displayed. Staff are very civil and well trained.

  • Alexandra Skotenko

    Alexandra Skotenko


    A fun labyrinth made from the tea trees. Really interesting place to visit. Completely different vibe from the beach. Very nice walk and tea testing after

  • Karl-Heinz Hetfleisch-Wenzel

    Karl-Heinz Hetfleisch-Wenzel


    Nice place

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