French Indian Ocean Commercial Bank de La Possession

RĂ©unionFrench Indian Ocean Commercial Bank



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82, N1E, 97419, La Possession, Canton de la Possession, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9329276, Longitude: 55.3346771

commentaires 4

  • Lindsay Lariana

    Lindsay Lariana


    It is rare that I go on the antenna possession of BFC for many reasons. I rarely post reviews but this is too much. Deplorable customer service, the reception staff are not smiling. And finally compared to the other BFC that I went to the island. I am always asked the reason for the transaction movements that I make when it is international and that I provide invoices in addition. And above all what scandalizes me the explanations given concerning the entry of money that I receive when it is one of my family members who offered me. Constant flicking. There is a big problem on the possession antenna. In short, I'm going back to online banks if it really continues like this because less hassle.

  • fernandez Joseph

    fernandez Joseph


    It's weird, I don't follow the opinion of other people and this bank is not serious, you are billed excessive fees every month for intervention costs even if you are not overdrawn. Sums up to more 40€ agios for 100€ discovered. Nice personal but not reactive any commercial gesture to keep customers. Passed to banks lines. Above all stay with your metropolis banker.

  • Thomas Desby

    Thomas Desby


  • Rahoul974 Abdallah Boina

    Rahoul974 Abdallah Boina


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