Caisse d'Epargne Le Port de Le Port

RĂ©unionCaisse d'Epargne Le Port



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2, Rue Faraday, 97420, Le Port, Canton du Port, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 42 03 99
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.953666, Longitude: 55.3097376

commentaires 5

  • florida comtois

    florida comtois


    More than satisfied with my adviser Mrs. T. Sylvaine, who is very attentive and gives very good advice, especially concerning my projects. Also satisfied with the telephone contact with her colleagues during her absence, Mr D. Julien. Thank you for the speed with which my request was processed and for your professionalism.

  • Ophelie Nirlo

    Ophelie Nirlo


    Advisor who has not answered emails or calls for more than 3 weeks. Wrong phone number on the site. The reception which is supposed to send the information to the advisers but which is never done. I do not recommend this bank, moreover, I intend to close my account.




    Since the merger it's been a real mess. No respect for the customer and leaves people in the m .... I live in metropolitan France, I claim a document that I get 2 weeks later without the element so I need it. So not useful. And with that we make you pay! Also no response from the agency manager when we send him an emergency email. Cheer

  • Lolo Puy

    Lolo Puy


    I am a client of the Port savings bank. I had my credit card stolen. When I was in difficulty and I live in mainland France, I called the Banque du Port. The person at the reception advised me perfectly and helped me in the process.

  • Manu payet

    Manu payet


    For my part, since there was a merger with Br, the savings bank is no longer what it used to be. Nobody answers the phone anymore, doesn't take any more messages because the voicemail is full, we leave emails for his advisor, he doesn't even bother to answer you. And finally to be sure to have an appointment or to solve a problem you have to go there and wait, and wait, wait (yes because you have to have patience), to finally hope that someone can bring you a answer to his problem. I regret the time when the savings bank was a savings bank, and not a BR savings bank.

Banque la plus proche

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