SUPER U Etang-salé de Etang Sale

RéunionSUPER U Etang-salé



🕗 horaire

22 rue du pere Van Berlo, Etang Sale 97427, RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 26 59 70
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2662982, Longitude: 55.3661163

commentaires 5

  • Emilie Liger

    Emilie Liger


    Pleasant and available staff. There is a choice and the prices charged are lower than Leclerc or Auchan.

  • Sandileila BM

    Sandileila BM


    Difficulties in parking, lack of parking spaces, poor condition of the trolleys and the parking lot, difficulties in rolling the trolleys on the road, inconsistency between the possibility of not using the pockets of the store in the vegetable department and checkout . I do not recommend this store, I will not go again.

  • Erwin Siweris

    Erwin Siweris


    Clean, large variety of goods, not expensive, friendly staff

  • David Rasmussen

    David Rasmussen


    Very convinient local supermarket, pleanty of good products, well organizes and friendly staff! Que at tjeck out can be very long!

  • audrey quaranta

    audrey quaranta



Supermarché la plus proche

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