Leader Price de Saint-Louis

RéunionLeader Price



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rue De La Résistance, 97450, Saint-Louis, Canton de Saint-Louis-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 39 40 79
site web: www.leaderprice.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.291603, Longitude: 55.400888

commentaires 5

  • Mathieu anandy

    Mathieu anandy


    The store team allows itself to be put on the shelves in the middle of the promotion aisle when the store is open, prices are missing on certain products. totally disorganized store. The single star is only dedicated to security guards.

  • Murielle SCIANGULA

    Murielle SCIANGULA


    I was able to find everything I needed for less than in other big box stores

  • Françoise Farah

    Françoise Farah


    Good point: lots of cheap prices Negative point: the spokes are really narrow. Too bad the store is small.

  • M J

    M J


    The prices are correct but I challenged a young employee with glasses to get 1 info on 1 product. He answers me: "kwa la fé??".....uh, is that 1 way of speaking to 1 client?? Not at all professional.

  • David Rasmussen

    David Rasmussen


    Low budget supermarket, choices are limited and quality is averige, tjeck out time way to long!

Supermarché la plus proche

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