AUCHAN Saint-Louis de Saint-Louis

RéunionAUCHAN Saint-Louis



🕗 horaire

16, Rue Lambert, 97450, Saint-Louis, Canton de Saint-Louis-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 91 25 30
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.292776, Longitude: 55.4028245

commentaires 5

  • Benjamin Lepinay

    Benjamin Lepinay


    I bought hams which were not at all in its location the CT price on promotion on saying I paid arrived at the car barely 2 minutes I check the ticket the price does not correspond I leave to see the reception she takes at least 15min on the phone no one answers she decides to go look in the department leaving the product at reception and there she takes another 10min at least and she comes back complaining that it is the price of the product itself if I tell her that CT not at all if she tells me it's wrong and she no longer takes the quarter product her to stay outside too much and it lasted more than 20 min so I took at least 3 to 4 minutes to get out and went to the reception at least if she would have told me to go and cool instead of making me leeks and tell me on my end that we take more takes the quarter product to stay outside too long and i get refunded more you are thieves don't worry i will advertise thief gang

  • Aude Pelerin

    Aude Pelerin



  • Nathalie boyer

    Nathalie boyer


    Toilette sales

  • Camille Techer

    Camille Techer



  • Soundarom Millaye

    Soundarom Millaye



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