Super U de Saint-Leu

RéunionSuper U



🕗 horaire

149, Chemin Départemental 11, 97424, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 34 22 22
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2130448, Longitude: 55.3035715

commentaires 5

  • Aurélie Van Roy

    Aurélie Van Roy


    Very few products on the shelves (taking into account the difficulties of supply but there it was abused) lack of price tags on all shelves and all products, few staff available...but very friendly.

  • Y D S

    Y D S


    Galette des rois inside and lychees outside, it's nice to shop there.

  • Elemone Boyer

    Elemone Boyer


    Petit b mole: there are prices that do not are not indicated and side fresh rays (cheese) it is not pretty to see, the sparrows eat the cheeses and dejection on all the windows.

  • eric leroy

    eric leroy


    Spacious and well stocked in all kinds of goods. Indian Cultural items. Easy check out.

  • sk ks

    sk ks



Supermarché la plus proche

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