Snack Chez Yannick de L'Étang-Salé

RéunionSnack Chez Yannick


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Avenue Raymond Barre, 97427, L'Étang-Salé, Canton de l’Étang-Salé, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2676199, Longitude: 55.3708743

commentaires 2

  • Laurine Pouget

    Laurine Pouget


    Local bar, everyone says hello. The bartender very friendly. The beer has an unbeatable price. All that I love. The first comment is full of prejudice.

  • Christine lagatie

    Christine lagatie


    We would have gone to wait before the theater in this well-located little snack bar, but the drunken and noisy clientele scared us. We turned back. The worst thing is that these horrible gentlemen are parked behind and drive round like the tails of shovels! Yuck

Café la plus proche

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