Mouton Gourmand de Saint-Louis

RĂ©unionMouton Gourmand



🕗 horaire

RN5 Pavillon, 97421, Saint-Louis 97450, RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 29 90 02
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1945945, Longitude: 55.4489135

commentaires 5

  • RenĂ© Hybner

    René Hybner


    Super. Fresh juice And everything

  • cristina maggetti

    cristina maggetti


    I loved this place. People are friendly. The food and drinks are super good and the view is magic. Worth a visit on the way to Cilaos.

  • Yaykap Honey

    Yaykap Honey


    Good food, nice guys, and they can speak English. Thank you

  • Nicolas V. (teteouleskilos)

    Nicolas V. (teteouleskilos)


    A very pleasant stopover on the road to Cilaos. Stop there on the way there or on the way back rather than going to a tourist snack bar in town up there. Calm, sumptuous view, pleasant and unstressed waitresses. In short, stop!

  • Sebastian Delowski

    Sebastian Delowski


    Great place with a fantastic view, varied menu and super friendly staff.

Café la plus proche

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