Cafe Hier de Saint-Leu

RéunionCafe Hier


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12, Sentier Roullin, 97416, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1379236, Longitude: 55.3159133

commentaires 5

  • Mahdi Siala

    Mahdi Siala


    Not open every day for visits

  • Jean-Baptiste L

    Jean-Baptiste L


    Passionate and exciting host

  • Vindyana Desigaud

    Vindyana Desigaud


    Visit of 10 minutes in the plantation, a little short all the same then tasting of the sharp bourbon coffee. No material for processing because everything is done at the cooperative. The real problem is the price of the visit: € 10 / adult and € 3 per child. Total at 5: 29 € for 45 minutes. Compared to the other visits we made on the island (vanilla, coconut, tea) less expensive and more complete in terms of material and manufacturing steps, we were disappointed. This does not take away from the excellence of the coffee and the friendliness of the owner. The price does not correspond to the service in our opinion. This will be our only disappointment of the stay on the island.

  • Rico CBFS

    Rico CBFS


    Please register by phone before visiting, otherwise it may be that nobody is there. Very small and cosy.

  • Jacky St Martin

    Jacky St Martin


    Premium coffee

Café la plus proche

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