L’Etoile du Berger- Patisserie et Boulangerie de Le Tampon

RĂ©unionL’Etoile du Berger- Patisserie et Boulangerie



🕗 horaire

227c, Rue Georges Pompidou, 97430, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-1, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 76 20 47
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2516508, Longitude: 55.5205676

commentaires 5

  • Viviane Marie

    Viviane Marie


    Unfortunately it's the only pastry bakery in the 14th it's a shame the customer service is top but the taste of the bread is a bit strange

  • Alice Raimbaud

    Alice Raimbaud


    Excellent bakery and pastry. The saleswoman is smiling and very kind. Coffee and pain au chocolat possible on site. Parking available in front of the store.

  • L. D

    L. D


    Welcome from the pleasant and smiling boss, we took pastries on the spot and discovered the macatias. Everything is excellent and very reasonably priced, including the coffees served on site.

  • justin duval

    justin duval


    Few choices and quite expensive. After that I don't know of any other bakery in the 14th.

  • Gonthier Eddy

    Gonthier Eddy


    Very good cake and a very good welcome

Café la plus proche

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