Restaurant Le four a chaux de Saint-Leu

RéunionRestaurant Le four a chaux


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343, N1A, 97436, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 693 03 30 03
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1788217, Longitude: 55.2884442

commentaires 5

  • Vero G

    Vero G


    Very well received good atmosphere music play of light. We took skipped mines.

  • Alexis Cornu

    Alexis Cornu


    Super good plancha, magnificent cocktail for a very reasonable price and very friendly staff!

  • Julien Majorel

    Julien Majorel


    Willow greets you with a smile. Authentic and generous dishes will be served to you in an unpretentious setting but always with the desire to please. Very good value for money. I recommend.

  • ML P

    ML P


    Great welcome, generous and delicious dishes. It would just be necessary to specify that in the burger, it is a steak and not a minced steak (we are so used to it!). Small downside: iced tea .. Not iced at all. But otherwise, I recommend!

  • eric leroy

    eric leroy


    "four à chaud" is another messy entry on Google maps. They're confusing the historical landmark with the restaurant adjacent to it. But this eatery's got good reviews which are still listed under: "Four á Chaux Méralikan". Please consult them. And scores of pictures unrelated to the historic lime kiln. Bon appétit.

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