Maspi de Petite ÃŽle




🕗 horaire

297, Rue Mahe de Labourdonnais, 97429, Petite Île, Canton de Saint-Pierre-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 53 23 70
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3532497, Longitude: 55.5649662

commentaires 5

  • mabichemabiche Guerniou

    mabichemabiche Guerniou


    First visit today for a consultation with a general practitioner (Dr Moustaphaoui at top top top). Excellent welcome with very pleasant and smiling secretaries, very clean premises. I think this place will be my place for multidisciplinary medical consultations. THANKS !! Gabriel's mom.

  • Magali Perrotte

    Magali Perrotte


    The premises are welcoming and functional. The care offer is of an excellent standard.

  • Philippe GOUSSET

    Philippe GOUSSET


    Very useful all the medical service at hand ✋ but a small flat beware of mosquitoes which proliferate at high speed it would be good to do a mosquito control there is nothing to complain about

  • Emilie A.

    Emilie A.


    Very clean place, very well equipped, pleasant and with parking. Welcoming and very professional teams.

  • Line Payet

    Line Payet


    Very good structure, attentive doctor. A warm, smiling and very pleasant welcome you don't find that everywhere. Thanks a lot.

Hôpital la plus proche

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