St-Pierre hospital de Saint-Pierre

RéunionSt-Pierre hospital



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97, Avenue du Président Mitterrand, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 35 90 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3463797, Longitude: 55.4932086

commentaires 5

  • Elodie ROBUR

    Elodie ROBUR


    Hospital woman mother child at the top. Excellent pregnancy follow-up! I was taken care of quickly for contractions. The staff at the top. Thank you very much, I was able to give birth peacefully thanks to the entire team of midwives, childcare assistants, nurses. Thanks thanks !

  • jeremie fru

    jeremie fru


    Arrived at the emergency room following a very strong fall on the head Pleasant care Certainly waiting (logical we are not alone and the staff is not numerous) but the staff is very attentive, friendly and takes the time to ask multiple questions to properly diagnose the icing on the cake it's the year of my tetanus recall they did it to me immediately! I did well to come (just kidding if I could have avoided my fall..)

  • eric leroy

    eric leroy


    This rating goes for the pavilion on the picture and the unit it's hosting : oncology hematology. Otherwise i've already complained about the ridiculously small store which provides "food" in the main building. We would expect something more health orientated and with organic options from a hospital. Even if this outlet mainly caters to visitors since staffers have their own canteen.

  • Frank Contrepois

    Frank Contrepois


    Great medical quality

  • pierre philippe

    pierre philippe



Hôpital la plus proche

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