Inovie Réunilab - Le Tampon Mascareignes de Le Tampon

RéunionInovie Réunilab - Le Tampon Mascareignes



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Rue Marius et Ary Leblond, 97430, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 57 11 00
site web:
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Latitude: -21.2729537, Longitude: 55.5251126

commentaires 5

  • N Gt

    N Gt


    Very friendly reception, knowledgeable staff

  • Caro0846 L

    Caro0846 L


    I insisted, 3 times I tried. The 2nd ones, I agree with the previous opinions on the non-existent friendliness at the reception. We feel that the person clearly does not like his work unfortunately. The 3rd time, I take a ticket, I wait patiently. A person then I am alone in the microscopic waiting room. The nurses come and go. Here I am, a witness in spite of myself of discussions on leave/pregnancies, patho or not, of colleagues. 15 good minutes that I was alone. I get up and ask if I'm going to have to wait a long time and there, the secretary (admittedly, that one is nice) tells me that she hadn't seen me come in... and the colleagues then? In short, management to review. I will not try again a 4th time.




    Zero discretion! The waiting room doesn't have to know the type of sample I came to do. Or how a moment of loneliness can turn into a humiliating moment... I will not detail the reception with staff having the friendliness of a prison door. I find myself in the previously quoted comments.

  • Cecile Daim

    Cecile Daim


    Hello The reception of this laboratory is really to be reviewed!!! The counter staff is not friendly at all. We have the impression of disturbing it's still crazy. Never again

  • Utilisateur Google

    Utilisateur Google


    Hello, I put a star because zero discretion when requesting information (the whole waiting room does not have to know the privacy of patients) and reception level, it is to be reviewed. Covid protocol yes. But there are ways to talk to people...

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