Hospital Saint-Louis de Saint-Louis

RéunionHospital Saint-Louis


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N1C, 97450, Saint-Louis, Canton de Saint-Louis-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2857639, Longitude: 55.405595

commentaires 5

  • John Techer

    John Techer


  • Rodrigo Vicario

    Rodrigo Vicario


    good place to be born

  • sania aboudou

    sania aboudou


    No star for this hospital considering the mistreatment they subjected my father to, I will never forgive him! No lifestyle, inedible food! And the hospital itself is unsanitary I hope you are ashamed of yourself! And ashamed to call you HUMAN. I have nothing more to add just to disgust you!

  • Guillaume-Alexandre Alincourt

    Guillaume-Alexandre Alincourt


  • Régine Blard

    Régine Blard


    This hospital is not worth a star. I don't understand how we can still send sick people there. All the staff is to be renewed. No smile, no hello...dirty hospital. They are just there to wait for the end of the month. With them the hour is the hour. You don't have to ask them anything else two minutes before the end of their service. They do these jobs when they have no heart. I don't think they would want their colleague to be like that with a family member. I have only one thing to tell you. Change job.

Hôpital la plus proche

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