Bulle des Thés de Saint-Leu

RéunionBulle des Thés


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3, Chemin Mazeau, 97424, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 32 38 09
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2116241, Longitude: 55.3022957

commentaires 5

  • Marie Bordas

    Marie Bordas


    A little hidden tea room, but once you've found it, you won't regret the detour! The salads and pastries are excellent, as well as the frozen infusions.

  • OSE Florence Zajewski

    OSE Florence Zajewski


    I enjoyed myself at a low price, I had a good time. Very nice home.

  • JĂ©rĂ©my Tenaud

    Jérémy Tenaud


    I loved this place, I tasted the short bread with a tea and a homemade juice. One of the best breakfasts of my life! I make everyone believe that I want to come back for the landscapes of Reunion Island. But in reality, it's to re-taste this short bread. The Virginie / Carine team forms a shock duo, I highly recommend for their good humor and their generosity

  • ClĂ©mence Grondin

    Clémence Grondin


    I tested almost everything at Bulle des ThĂ©s (and yes I would have eaten other pastries if my stomach allowed it 😅)! After discovering this space with modern, fresh and relaxing decoration, we discover two young women, one in the kitchen who cooks wonders to taste accompanied by a juice or a tea it is the winning combo then another who invites you to relax, to well-being and to a certain introspection on oneself. You will leave Bulle des ThĂ©s full of good things in your head and stomach! You will understand that this is not a recommendation but an invitation to accept with haste to discover this timeless bubble that will become your daily air bubble! Go for it !

  • GaĂ«lle BERNARD

    Gaëlle BERNARD


    Super tea room, innovative and warm in St Leu. There are homemade delicacies, and dishes on Thursday, Friday and Saturday lunchtimes! And the +++, a plantar reflexologist who receives in a separate room by appointment... perfect for taking care of yourself! The concept is brilliant and the reception at the top. I recommend :)

Café la plus proche

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