Tsilaosa salon de the de Cilaos

RéunionTsilaosa salon de the



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21, Rue du Pere Boiteau, 97413, Cilaos, Canton de Saint-Louis-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1361603, Longitude: 55.469698

commentaires 2

  • Damien Servant

    Damien Servant


    We don't really dare to enter behind this beautiful facade. But that would be a shame... I dared and I didn't regret it! The place is beautiful and soft and, like its facade, all clad in wood. It makes the establishment very warm. The staff is like the hotel, pleasant and warm. The chocolate shake that I took and the pancakes were delicious and made on the spot. Couldn't be fresher. The tsilaosa being also a hotel you can also access it by the reception of this one. If, like me, you like tea rooms, don't hesitate, push the door and profi-tea 😉

  • David Dupuy

    David Dupuy


    Tea room which closes at 5:30 p.m. It is 5 p.m. the door is closed. Customers look at you from the outside and no one says anything to you. The waitress acts as if she doesn't see that I'm trying to open the door... indifference is the greatest contempt. Fortunately, a polite client tells me that it's closed!!! Cilaos would be nothing without tourists so a little respect. Thanks.

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