Post Office de Saint-Denis

RéunionPost Office



🕗 horaire

255, Route Gabriel Macé, 97490, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-4, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 52 52 33
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.926445, Longitude: 55.493617

commentaires 5

  • maud steinbach

    maud steinbach


    An ultra efficient and fast service, many thanks to Ophélie for her advice!

  • Grégory Chevaillier

    Grégory Chevaillier


    Poor service. Office insufficiently staffed and open only according to the result of the roll of a dice. Probably the easiest way to fix all of this would be to close the desktop. Driving 30 minutes for a letter will always be faster than waiting in the sun for an hour.

  • Gabor Kiss

    Gabor Kiss


    the post office is supposed to be open Monday to Friday until 12:00. Today is Thursday and when I arrived at 11:40 a.m. all the shutters were closed. No notes on this mysterious closure. What is this post office still for?

  • Mathieu Dijoux

    Mathieu Dijoux


    The timetables are like a joke. Opens quite late in the morning. 🤯 The reception is freezing cold, the agents have no tact. Frankly La Poste, if it's to lay such nonsense, might as well close this office. This will allow our recommended and parcels to be somewhat recoverable in another office with suitable hours when working!!! 🤬

  • Patrice Ricquebourg

    Patrice Ricquebourg


    The opening hours are totally inappropriate.... Hence the single star. People only have short windows to come here. The office is therefore very often crowded... The employees probably have nothing to do with it... Once again everyone suffers from the grotesque reorganizations of this essential company (registered mail, parcels, bank accounts... .)

Bureau de poste la plus proche

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