Post Office de Saint-Denis

RéunionPost Office



🕗 horaire

3, Rue Roger Payet, 97490, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.892847, Longitude: 55.488292

commentaires 5




    My parcel has been there for 1 month, the cauldron there. Lila was scanned there and since apparently banna loses her. Mi is still waiting for tomorrow, mi goes up for you

  • Veve Goay

    Veve Goay


    I came to the cauldron post office and was well received by Mr Bègue Emmanuel. He answered all my expectations and questions. Therefore, I recommend this office to other customers.

  • Alex .J

    Alex .J


    1 star is already too much. You have to change all your teams!!!!

  • Mariah Holy

    Mariah Holy


    Ingrid greeted me and served me. She met my expectations. I am satisfied with my visit to the cauldron post office. The agents are very welcoming. I will come back and I recommend.

  • Th. Le (Th.)

    Th. Le (Th.)


    Despite the crowds, a nice young man came to see me twice at the vending machine. It is a much appreciated mark of attention. We feel more serene.

Bureau de poste la plus proche

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