Pole Femme Enfant de Saint Pierre

RéunionPole Femme Enfant


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Saint Pierre 97410, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3467992, Longitude: 55.4926235

commentaires 5

  • nat p

    nat p


    5 stars for the kangaroo unit maternity staff, thank you girls, I'll never forget you, 10 days of hospitalization, feel your professionalism, it wouldn't have been the same, from Merveille Léa et vince

  • Joffrey Ramonet

    Joffrey Ramonet


    I rarely leave comments but... Arrived at 11pm for a 5 month old baby who has over 39 with fever, rash and difficulty breathing. The doctor asks us why we come to the emergency room rather than going to consult... At 11 p.m. .. results, mild rum, and I site: "consultation for parental concern". The next day, consultation with the attending physician, immediate and delayed antibiotics with ventolin. I am not talking about maternity but ONLY pediatric emergencies, if you want to see the state of the current French health system, you have come to the right address. Hoping that all the doctors at the CHU do not have the level of the one who treated our child.

  • Maxime GLEE

    Maxime GLEE


    Extraordinary pediatric care. A staff in SSR, available, ultra competent, very pedagogical and with great kindness.

  • John John

    John John


    Modern inside. But dirty on the outside. A certain lack of maintenance

  • Valérie Juwa laini clown

    Valérie Juwa laini clown


    slaves don't make vaccines freedom please

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