LEBRETON Willy Sage-Femme Libérale de Saint-Pierre

RéunionLEBRETON Willy Sage-Femme Libérale



🕗 horaire

Cabinet n° 10, 97432, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 90 91 55
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3060324, Longitude: 55.4978762

commentaires 5

  • Nadege Karaghieuzian

    Nadege Karaghieuzian


    Followed during my late pregnancy more at risk by Willy I highly recommend it. His good humor combined with his professionalism as well as his office equipment (ultrasound with very good image quality) are very appreciable.

  • aude bailly

    aude bailly


    Willy followed my twin pregnancy and thanks to him I was pampered! I was treated to a very good and very professional follow-up, very good advice also I highly recommend it. Without forgetting that he is a midwife with easy contact, he is very understanding, humor when needed to relax in a little more critical moments, always very reassuring.

  • Julie Legrand

    Julie Legrand


    In our search my spouse was not for it to be a man who follows my pregnancy and finally it did not take long for him to change his mind. Willy is very professional, gives good advice, with his years of experience, he is available and attentive. Top notch follow-up. He knows how to make you forget the stress of childbirth during lessons, thanks to his little personal touch. If it is to be done again it will be without hesitation. Willy stay yourself 🫵💪 keep it up Julie & Cyril

  • Mickaella Gonfo

    Mickaella Gonfo


    Willy is an outstanding midwife or maieutician, he has love for his work, of great value, a very relational person, very present during your pregnancy, you will not feel alone and really accompanied. Thanks to you for being there for me and my corks. So don't miss this beautiful human experience.🥰😘

  • Denise Genlinso

    Denise Genlinso



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