Pizzeria Mamma Mia de Sainte-Marie

RĂ©unionPizzeria Mamma Mia



🕗 horaire

44, Rue Medard, 97438, Sainte-Marie, Canton de Sainte-Marie, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 89 77 51
site web: mamma-mia974-44.webself.net
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9229412, Longitude: 55.5173332

commentaires 5

  • Sharline OlĂ©i

    Sharline Oléi


    đŸ€© for me in the list of the best pizzas in the WORLD!!

  • François Thalgott

    François Thalgott


    A real Italian pizzeria at the Grande Montée, pizzas and traditional specialties prepared by a real Italian. A menu with real Italian products of good quality and above all traditionally prepared

  • Le Brandit

    Le Brandit


    Ordered lasagna merguez, on top. Ready on time and warm welcome. To recommend.

  • Camille Paegelow

    Camille Paegelow


    Very good pizza! We had a great time: P very warm welcome, however the prices were slightly higher than those indicated on the card and credit cards are not accepted.. However, I recommend this address :)

  • LAPORTE Philippe

    LAPORTE Philippe


    Very good pizza place. He makes the best pizzas in the area. His risotto is excellent as well as the pasta and lasagna. On the other hand, place not too adapted to eat on the spot it is rather "takeaway dishes"

Restaurant la plus proche

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