Le Nixon de Saint-Denis

RĂ©unionLe Nixon



🕗 horaire

17, Rue de la Martinique, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-4, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 693 04 62 14
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9037639, Longitude: 55.4946055

commentaires 5

  • davy van hyfte

    davy van hyfte


    Compliments au chef et l'equipe. We were a big, international group and even if it was busy we could order what we liked. Nice dishes!

  • Chlo



    Having a drink yes, it's friendly and pleasant! The boards are never complete. The most expensive foods such as kangaroo skewers are replaced by foods such as industrial caps (little interest). Today, they had so many gaps that they lightened the boards in quality, in composition but also in quantity while the price increased. The servers are a bit airheaded, they don't really know the menu (even if they're the same ones by the way 😂) but hey they go get the information and it's ok. I've never had lunch or dinner there so I won't go into that part. Despite everything, we're having a pretty good time for a drink 😄

  • Estelle Mebold

    Estelle Mebold


    Frankly ? Came quite by accident!! A Wednesday evening and vla the atmosphere!! Great evening 🙏🙏🙏 I haven't tried the restaurant but I recommend 100%!!! The boss is on top, he knows how to receive đŸ€©đŸ€©đŸ€©

  • Mimose Ramsamy

    Mimose Ramsamy


    Great, friendly place. I go there on occasions. Always well received by the owner and the staff. The food is very tasty there !!! I recommend !

  • Emilie Sergent

    Emilie Sergent


    Welcoming, smiling and friendly staff. Very pleasant and quiet terrace. Possibility to eat indoors too. Buffet formula (cold and hot) or Ă  la carte. Disabled access even for the toilets.

Restaurant la plus proche

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