Pizza Di Muro de Le Tampon

RéunionPizza Di Muro



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69-81, Rue du General de Gaulle, 97430, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 36 93 43
site web:
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Latitude: -21.2736112, Longitude: 55.5170482

commentaires 5

  • Carolyn Couloutchy

    Carolyn Couloutchy


    Very bad experience I do not recommend at all after 2 hours of waiting for delivery. Surprise at the reception of the pizzas in addition to being cold the latter were burned on the top as well as the bottom. Really disgusted by this order the pizzas are inedible.

  • Kikim Pergau

    Kikim Pergau


    Not good, poorly made pizza they threw the ingredients on it, salmon pizza with canned tomato sauce not good I would even say disgusting, burnt tartiflette pizza obviously not good and I'm not even talking about the reception with a person who Ignore you, frankly I do not recommend I would even say that the restaurant should be closed.

  • LAZERTY gaming

    LAZERTY gaming


    BAD bar point. Don't listen to possitve comments it's completely wrong. We receive the order in 1h45 whereas it was 1h the normal time. Which is already a lot to make 4 unfortunate disgusting pizzas that all taste the same To avoid. BAD BAD BAD

  • FoodGameuse



    I have always ordered there, without having any problem with the pizza... I always order the rustica, which is no longer a rustica... Because lack of ingredients, already no olive, no fresh cream and in addition the tomato sauce is not tomato sauce but Bolognese sauce. So extremely disappointed with my order, I really think I will no longer recommend with them.

  • Nash Fash

    Nash Fash


    This place sells classic Italian pizzas. If you want the taste of a perfect pizza, try Pizza Di Muro

Restaurant la plus proche

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