La Tarterie de Le Tampon

RĂ©unionLa Tarterie



🕗 horaire

92B, Rue du Général de Gaulle, 97430, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 13 39 49
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.27217, Longitude: 55.5160675

commentaires 5

  • Marine Aguesse

    Marine Aguesse


    An excellent address. The dishes are sought after, I enjoyed myself and the desserts are just as delicious. The value for money is great with dishes at around ten euros. I recommend with eyes closed!

  • Juliette Liotard

    Juliette Liotard


    Small simple and nice restaurant, parking spaces not far for parking, practical. Fresh produce, great seasonings, hearty and beautifully presented plates, the perfect homemade aperitifs. Very nice waiter. Small flat for the desserts that we liked less. Price more than correct. We'll be back, that's for sure 😉!!

  • N C

    N C


    Very nice little place found by chance! An impeccable welcome and homemade cakes to die for!

  • Rodolphe D.

    Rodolphe D.


    Very nice! Very warm welcome, quality and original home cooking. Good choice, including for vegetarians. Honest prices. We had a great time!

  • Sonia Pottier

    Sonia Pottier


    Very good address. Map that changes very often. The dishes are homemade with fresh products and a lot of originality. Ditto for some drinks. Reasonable prices.

Restaurant la plus proche

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