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45, Rue Tioucagna, 97422, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 19 07 61
site web: le-repaire-du-dodo.bedsandhotels.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0821091, Longitude: 55.2647977

commentaires 5

  • Stéphanie Maupas

    Stéphanie Maupas


    We rented the cottage for 8 days. A great experience that marked our 2 children aged 12 and 17. Yannick shared his stories and his convictions, it feels great to see that dreams can come true in harmony with the planet. Atypical housing to enjoy if you want to support nature-friendly projects.

  • alexandre lefevre

    alexandre lefevre


    A refuge that deserves to be frequented. Yannick, the host, is an invested man, reinforced by his personal history which gave birth to this lair. The materials resulting from a principle of recovery give more cachet than those brought by so-called noble, new materials. This is all the charm, all the soul of the lair. Don't hesitate any longer, the dodo hunt will convince you. For sure, you will not regret your choice. Go & book!

  • Stéphane JEAN-LOUIS

    Stéphane JEAN-LOUIS


    Magical place. His story is even more magical, but I'll let the owner tell it to you. Atypical owner: normal, he is a permaculturist. To discover, absolutely... especially the novelty of last year's confinement: a guetali on the roof.

  • Adélaïde Champetier

    Adélaïde Champetier


    Unusual and magical cottage! Everything is very well thought out and arranged, the proof that from recovery we manage to combine comfort and aesthetics! The plus: the hunt for 22 dodos that train young and old!

  • Laurent G

    Laurent G


    An "unusual" cottage made with great taste and care in harmony with the culture of the island and the eco-citizen values ​​of its owners. Very comfortable and perfectly equipped, we find it difficult to leave it to go on a visit!

Lodging la plus proche

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