Vert Lagon de La Saline Le Bains

RéunionVert Lagon


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58 Rue des engages, La Saline Le Bains 97434, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 79 23 93
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0868777, Longitude: 55.240182

commentaires 5

  • Mickaël K

    Mickaël K


    Very nice guest house with independent rooms and direct access to the swimming pool. The garden is magnificent and you could imagine yourself in Mafate. The house is 5 minutes from the lagoon with its shaded beaches. I recommend !

  • vero s

    vero s


    Very nice room and place. Cons: far from the beach (subdivision) impossible to walk there. All equipment is to be requested from the owner. No kitchen. Room rental only

  • Michèle Amardeilh

    Michèle Amardeilh


    Even if the owner is not too talkative the places are perfect.

  • Jean Nouaux

    Jean Nouaux


    To avoid ! The room was ok but the owner just made us want to leave ... what we did after a night. Home cold, between jm'en foutism and the unpleasant. We wanted to be quiet around the pool or jacuzzi but we do not even know if we had the right given the lack of communication we had (No hello, no instructions, no presentation, just give us the keys). In short, absolutely avoid!




    Very pretty and quiet

Lodging la plus proche

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