la gloriette crĂȘperie de Saint Paul

RĂ©unionla gloriette crĂȘperie



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31, Route de Savanna (Rd 4), 97460, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-1, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 97 29 73
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9864116, Longitude: 55.2955804

commentaires 5

  • Jade ALMAR

    Jade ALMAR


    Very disappointed with the service, arrived at 7:35 p.m. we were served at 8:30 p.m. while our table neighbors who arrived after us left the table. In view of the wait, I asked the manager to make a commercial gesture. He winced as he reduced the bill by very little for a table of 4 with entrees and desserts. In front of my reaction the very haughty manager told me I quote “what did you expect madam?”. Honestly, to eat on time and not to be treated like that but with kindness. It is shameful. I won't come anymore.

  • Savita WOLFF

    Savita WOLFF


    Great welcome from the very versatile boss in his past. The pancakes are delicious, a small downside that the scallops with leeks are not copious enough for my taste, but it depends on your appetite, of course. We will come back with pleasure.

  • Nadine Cascade

    Nadine Cascade


    Impeccable welcome. Lovely and excellent meal. Original decor that makes you travel.

  • yaad ram

    yaad ram


    Good stop

  • Jessica naina

    Jessica naina


    J'adoroooo! !! Instagram : mrs.jessijoffre⚘

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