La Bodega 974 de Saint Paul

RĂ©unionLa Bodega 974



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80, Route du Trou d'Eau, 97434, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 35 66 69
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1006346, Longitude: 55.2431085

commentaires 5

  • Mel Klos

    Mel Klos


    You cannot get closer to the beach if you tried. When the waitress realise we don't speak French she called the manager and he looked after us the whole afternoon. Had amazing prawns which was no more expensive than the fish dishes - bargain! Good size portions too. What a great way to while away a few hours in the shade, watching people playing in the ocean. Highlyrecommended,

  • Bruno Dauwe

    Bruno Dauwe


    Very friendly staff! Also the setting on the beach, with the cosy seats and quality food, make for a very enjoyable relaxing afternoon.

  • Aida Dauwe

    Aida Dauwe


    Super friendly staff. Perfect place to relax in the cosy seats. Great food!

  • Andre Steyn

    Andre Steyn


    Awesome food amazing spot with a great view. This is the RĂ©union experience!!

  • Ichbin Lineapa

    Ichbin Lineapa


    Nice location at the beach. good food, prices are OK for that level of quality. The service depends extremely on the staff being at site. Sometimes very quick and friendly, sometimes it's a challenge to be served at all. Looks a bit chaotic. Staff seems not to have fix areas to deal with. That's why they sometimes forget some guests. Could be improved. When chief does not supervise, you can count on having chaos. That's everywhere the same and not a new conclusion at all!

Restaurant la plus proche

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