Copacabana de Saint Paul




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20, Rue des Mouettes, 97434, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 24 16 31
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0929701, Longitude: 55.2333887

commentaires 5

  • FABIAN Mitrache

    FABIAN Mitrache


    A very welkoming place to watch the sunset over the Indian Ocean. Friendly close to kindly staff, big umbrellas, a little bit pricey though. Very clean toilets and amazingly designed!

  • J. W.

    J. W.


    We actually came for a cocktail and were turned away short and sweet for not having a reservation. It was kind of remarkable because the bar was completely empty. Unfortunately, English was only spoken to a limited extent. When we asked politely whether at least one drink at the bar - which also was completely empty (not one person) - was possible, we were also unfriendly rejected. Absolutely imaccepable behaviour. 1 star because 0 stars are not possible :)

  • Axel Masson

    Axel Masson


    Amazing food⭐ Very nice staff✹ A beautiful spot!

  • Laura Puiatti

    Laura Puiatti


    1st I ask for an aperol spritz: worst choice, and As italian I know what I am talking about. I kindly ask to change it, the answer is:”not possible, and as you are the only one who complained, we will charge it anyways.” Being thirsty and in front of a lovely sunset I ask for a cup of wine which, unfortunately, again, is the smallest glass of wine ever received. Amazing beach, avoid this bar

  • decousus thibault

    decousus thibault


    A wonderful place to go on a Sunday morning. The place is exquisite, you are literally feet in the sand with a beautiful view of the ocean. Some of the brunch dishes are fresh and excellent! I recommend the granola and the avocado and salmon toast. The crepes are also tasty. Also, you should have some fruit cocktails, they are fresh and delicious. And, if you don't have a reservation and you're lucky, you should take one of the sunbaths that the establishment provides to chill 👌 Ps: the staff are very friendly and serve you fast and well 😎 The singer was a pretty good one ! Thank you for this experience ! We really enjoyed !

Restaurant la plus proche

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