Hôtel Tsilaosa de Cilaos

RéunionHôtel Tsilaosa



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21, Rue du Pere Boiteau, 97413, Cilaos, Canton de Saint-Louis-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 37 39 39
site web: www.tsilaosa.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1361603, Longitude: 55.469698

commentaires 5

  • Simon Wiedemann

    Simon Wiedemann


    We stayed in the hotel for 2 nights during our honeymoon. The reception was very warm and friendly. We had our room on the ground floor with a small terrace. The room itself had a bit of an old-timey smell, but nothing too funny. The bathroom was freshly renovated, but already showed some issues. Since the weather in Cialosa is usually not too warm and the bathroom not having central heating, I assume people forget to open the window of the fully tiled room, therefore water condensing on all surfaces and mold starting to grow in the corners. In regards to breakfast, it can be best described as solid. Nothing special but also nothing really to miss. One thing we missed though was WiFi, which "currently" (reviews tell a more "permanent" story) is only available in the reception area.

  • Martin Hühn

    Martin Hühn


    It's ok, nothing special. You will probably not find any better place in Cilaos but don't expect a 4 star hotel compared to France or any other European country. Jacuzzi cost 15€ per 30min. Rooms are rather small, noisy and spartanly furnished. Had a room rigth next to the reception desk, but nope, no wifi for us. Reception staff is kind of reserved and cool. We are not French or speak French very well. Maybe it was because of that. But no one was interested in speaking English with us. So if you want to stay here and have a pleasant stay, you should understand at least a bit of French. There is no restaurant in the hotel. You can ask them to book a table in one of their 'partner restaurants' (if they are open or not already fully booked). Beside Cilaos beeing a nice place it can get hard to find a place to eat on Sunday and Monday since all restaurants are either closed or completely booked.

  • Neringa Valinskė

    Neringa Valinskė


    It was a good place to stay for a short time. Interior was beautiful and unique. The view from the balcony and the feeling is great! Breakfast was made for our wishes, I liked fruits also.

  • Imran Seedat

    Imran Seedat


    Beautiful, charming hotel located in Cilaos. The service was amazing from all the staff. The rooms are a little old fashioned but clean and well stocked. The only issue was there was no fridge/minibar in the room itself. The breakfast was delicious, the bed comfortable, the views of the surrounding mountains from the balcony are incredible. It is a great place to stay.

  • Chris Eio

    Chris Eio


    As far as facilities go, this hotel doesn't really have any. But that doesn't matter. It's in Cilaos, there is plenty to keep you occupied - as long as the weather is good, of course, because most of it is outdoors. The rooms are nicely decorated and they all have large jacuzzis, although the jacuzzi in our room started to smell when we turned it on so it didn't get used. There is no restaurant but breakfast is served in a small area near reception. The scrambled eggs and bacon are cooked fresh on a cooker inside the area, which is a nice touch. The staff spoke limited English and German, so communication wasn't difficult. I enjoyed the time here. It was comfortable, friendly, relaxed and I'd definitely stay here again if I found myself back in Reunion.

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