Au Coeur du Paradis de Cilaos

RéunionAu Coeur du Paradis


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12, Chemin du Matarum, 97413, Cilaos, Canton de Saint-Louis-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.131948, Longitude: 55.4773312

commentaires 5

  • Isabelle Vanuxem

    Isabelle Vanuxem


    We stayed a few nights in paradise. Very warm welcome, spotless room and a very well equipped shared kitchen. Breathtaking view of the Cilaos circuit. Very hearty breakfast with their homemade jams and a real moment of exchange with the owners thanks to them

  • Thomas Haugk

    Thomas Haugk


    We felt very comfortable with Yannick. The breakfast with the jam quiz is great and a good way to start a conversation. The rooms and the sanitary facilities were excellent. The view over Cilaos is simply terrific. Yannick is a great host, relaxed and very friendly. He always has good tips and is very helpful. We'd love to come back.

  • Martin Varlet

    Martin Varlet


    We stayed in this gite after our 2-day hike to the summit of Piton des Neiges. The cottage is very pleasant, the hosts charming, the breakfast is excellent. We recommend it with your eyes closed.

  • cynthia deak

    cynthia deak


    A great welcome, a spacious bedroom with a spacious bathroom. A great view of cialos and a great breakfast! Yannick receives you very well and is always happy to tell you a lot about Reunion 😊 thank you again!

  • isabelle CECCALDI

    isabelle CECCALDI


    In a few words, house on the heights of Cilaos with breathtaking views. Wonderful welcome and availability of the family. The excellent breakfasts (waffles, pancakes, etc.) or even too copious with the salty supplement (ham, cheese, eggs, etc.) but essential before 8am hikes. To recommend without moderation and we hope to return. Isabella and Peter

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