HOPE & MIND | Torréfacteur de Cafés d'Exception de Le Tampon

RéunionHOPE & MIND | Torréfacteur de Cafés d'Exception



🕗 horaire

18, Rue Meziaire Guignard, 97430, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 41 94 18
site web: www.hopeandmind.cafe
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2839867, Longitude: 55.5175723

commentaires 5

  • Lionel CV

    Lionel CV


    Lovely cafe with off road parking. The granola and cake were exceptionally good. Very coffee-savvy if you want to take your afternoon booster to another level. Definitely worth going here :)

  • Sabrina Heymer

    Sabrina Heymer


    Great specialty coffee place! Beautifully designed, wonderful coffee and an English-speaking owner. All together a rare find on the island!

  • Helene Baron

    Helene Baron


    Nice place. Tastefully decorated. Heartwarming welcome. Tasting at the top. Cappuccino, chaĂŻ tea latte and good homemade cakes to accompany them. Nothing to say it was perfect

  • sean manson

    sean manson


    Simply Brilliant!! Great coffee and Great atmosphere.

  • David Jenning

    David Jenning


    Excellent roaster with a highly-skilled and passionate baristas! For sure the best coffee house in the DOM!

Café la plus proche

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