Dr. François Vergez de Saint Paul

RéunionDr. François Vergez



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38, Route de Savanna, 97460, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-1, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +33 2 62 22 55 50
site web: dr-francois-vergez.chirurgiens-dentistes.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9863128, Longitude: 55.2969703

commentaires 5

  • AnaĂŻs Dubard

    AnaĂŻs Dubard


    I am coming to the end of my Invisalign treatment and I can only recommend Dr. Vergez's practice. The whole team is friendly, smiling, caring and above all very professional. A treatment that turned out to be shorter than expected for a perfect result! I am a fan of my new smile and I would do it again without hesitation if I had to do it again! As for the very nice end-of-treatment gift, it's the icing on the cake! Thanks to the whole team!

  • Emilie Robert

    Emilie Robert


    From reception to more technical care, Doctor Vergez's team is very professional and reassuring. It was for me the second experience in orthodontics and it is undeniably incomparable to the first. I fully recommend Doctor Vergez's practice and his team. Thank you for this quality support both in terms of technique and human relations.

  • Alexandre Li

    Alexandre Li


    An adventure that ends for me within the firm Dr Vergez. A treatment carried out in just 10 months with 2 months in advance and I am very satisfied with the result! A team that is great, that has a sense of humor and that is always smiling towards its patients! The follow-up is very regular, I highly recommend Dr. Vergez's office, you even have the right to a small gift at the end! Just enjoying my new smile!

  • anouk camilleri

    anouk camilleri


    I have just finished my treatment with Spark gutters 4 months in advance (18 months announced). Dr. Vergez's team is absolutely great, always available, responsive and pleasant! The treatment went very well. The adaptation to the aligners was very quick and painless. Removing them and putting them back at each meal is not at all awkward, on the contrary. I am delighted with my result and I am already smiling a lot more and that since the last months of treatment. Thank you again for everything 🙏

  • Prisca



    Spark gutter treatment for overlapping upper and lower teeth. Start of treatment October 2021 for a duration initially planned until October 2022. Treatment completed in August 2022, 2 months rather because gutters worn conscientiously throughout the treatment. Very very good result my teeth are aligned again. What happiness... Everything went very well with the firm VERGEZ.

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