Cabinet Dentaire Des Mascareignes de Le Port

RéunionCabinet Dentaire Des Mascareignes



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22, Avenue Pasteur, 97420, Le Port, Canton du Port, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 34 63 46
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.947455, Longitude: 55.2929814

commentaires 5

  • Lucas Juliano

    Lucas Juliano


    A little consideration at least up to the bill wouldn't have been "luxury" This is only my simple opinion, but I like not to be taken for little when I am presented with a substantial quote and not reimbursed!!! When you know how to show empathy and presence I will be able to express it and modify my comment!!!! For the moment I am disappointed by the process implemented!!!

  • Elisa PAYET

    Elisa PAYET


    1st appointment with the dentist contact rather good and pro. 2nd meeting with a replacement. She treats me for a cavity, we put on a bandage and we give me an appointment 10 days later to devitalize my tooth (appointment still very nice and professional). 3rd day (day of the devitalization) I am taken upstairs and the dentist says to me "sorry but I am not going to do anything today because I am not the practitioner who has taken care of you until now so it will be necessary resume appointment!!!!! In addition to a devitalization it is not done like that you have to plan 1h30 to 2h "I answer ok but it is your office that gave me this appointment. I should have told him that the pros are them and not me and it's not up to me to gauge the time to take for the treatment. I am told to come today to devitalize, I come today to devitalize my tooth. Result: the devitalization has not been done and I am distributed with a slight touch-up of the dressing which is crumbling and no appointment taken for a next time. I am very disappointed by this type of behavior which makes the patient suffer an error from the practice. I specify that I was still counted a service

  • Cecile YVON

    Cecile YVON


    A big thank you to Dr. Grangeon for his availability, kindness and very clear and detailed explanations .. The intervention took place in stride and without any pain as the doctor masters his subject to perfection. Thanks also to Muriel and Marie, her pleasant and competent assistants, and all this in a pleasant and comfortable office with state-of-the-art equipment. Thanks again to the whole team....

  • Morianne Lasserre Castilla

    Morianne Lasserre Castilla


    Appointment with Doctor Amsallem, a great competitive joker endowed with so much seriousness. It makes the visit to the dentist much more pleasant. I recommend and thank the team.

  • Audrey Richard

    Audrey Richard


    I have been trying to get an emergency appointment for my daughter for 3 days, who is usually taken care of by Doctor T. Unfortunately, he is absent and impossible to get an appointment. On the phone or on site I did not manage to see an appointment. Always the same answer "try to call back or call tomorrow".

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