Crédit Agricole Réunion - Mayotte de Le Tampon

RéunionCrédit Agricole Réunion - Mayotte



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17, Rue Charles Baudelaire, 97430, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-1, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 72 25 47
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.260364, Longitude: 55.503269

commentaires 5

  • Josian Passinay

    Josian Passinay


    Very disappointed with this agency of Trois Mare. I placed my money and when I want it back they tell me computer bug so I have to wait more 40 days. But this is all wrong My adviser did not process my file and he hides behind a computer bug I find myself stuck today and the bank makes me understand that if I am not happy change agency or bank And yet I only claim my money

  • Olivix



    To avoid. Endless expectations. 1h00 wait to get bad information....

  • Dodo “Dodo” Maillot

    Dodo “Dodo” Maillot


    Only one person at the reception to receive people, a queue even outside. About 1 hour I waited. It is unacceptable

  • son tranquillou every where

    son tranquillou every where


    Personal with different training and different information for the same problem, unacceptable for a bank of this size! I highly recommend this bank!!

  • Clarisse Darling

    Clarisse Darling


    Deplorable service. Impossible to reach the agency by phone, whether in the morning, noon, afternoon, evening. When sending an email, a processing time is at least 48 hours, and after that you still have to wait 48 or even 72 hours for it to be effective. A simple change of address or phone number shouldn't take so long, or be dependent on an advisor. The account management fees are exorbitant, to finally have no service. I especially do not, I put a star because we cannot put 0 and yet who should be attributed to you.

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