BRED-Banque Populaire de Le Tampon

RéunionBRED-Banque Populaire



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216-220, Rue Hubert Delisle, 97430, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 820 33 64 97
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2797723, Longitude: 55.5163012

commentaires 5

  • hélène caratini

    hélène caratini


    Since 2020, impossible to have an interlocutor in this bank, impossible to make a transaction at the reception, the phone never answers, the voicemail boxes full.. can someone tell me how to contact the Bred du Tampon please? Is this bank's policy to no longer respond to the public? If so, you might as well go somewhere else!!! I must be furious...




    This Friday, January 20, 2023, I am coming to deposit cash, a lot of cash (being a professional), not an envelope available. I rang twice and no one came! I wait for my request to be excused and it ends up being there a very long minute later. Imagine the stress you can have carrying so much cash. So, is it called ''being professional'' to charge a client and miss the essentials? The question is asked. I hope the situation will be remedied

  • fabiola asson

    fabiola asson


    Frankly I'm disappointed not to be able to get an answer it's necessary to put a star but otherwise I would have put zero sorry but that's what I think

  • Antho Logeek

    Antho Logeek


    To flee urgently. 2 months to close accounts with them and even the amount of the maturities which increases as if by magic. A gang of thieves. Elsewhere suddenly it is paradise compared to them. Crook.

  • Corentin M

    Corentin M


    After a few years with this bank, I decided to change following a departure for work in mainland France. The latter, despite a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt sent in order to close my various accounts, delayed the procedure as much as possible, claiming non-receipt of said registered letter. They asked me for various documents to send back by email and with each communication, a new request was added. A big lack of seriousness and professionalism even on a basic procedure that does not involve any difficulty. Do you really want to trust them with your money? To flee urgently, under penalty of having to inflict you a continuous and painful stress.

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