BRED-Banque Populaire de Saint-Denis

RĂ©unionBRED-Banque Populaire



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1/3 Rue de Paris St Denis de, Saint-Denis 97400, RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 820 33 64 91
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8786773, Longitude: 55.4486403

commentaires 5

  • FrĂ©dĂ©rique Lebon

    Frédérique Lebon


    Faithful since 1996 (not necessarily this agency, but La Bref RĂ©union, but to this agency for 20 years) and I know why. In successes and difficulties, quality support and a sense of service

  • murielle PAUSE

    murielle PAUSE


    I had to deal with this bank but I wouldn't make it mine. As in many banks, it is the customer who does the counter work with their machines. No more papers, broken machines, well iron...vs you have tps! When you ring to have someone, some make you understand with a smug air that you are disturbing! Fortunately, the covid has been there, so that everyone can stay as far away as possible from customers. A bunker!

  • Karina M'COUROUPA

    Karina M'COUROUPA


    Having an account in this bank I contacted an adviser in order to make a repurchase of mortgage. after a first appointment to study the file, I had no feedback 8 months later. I do not recommend this bank.

  • laurent CKH

    laurent CKH


    Morning, Thank you for your return, however from this bank we do not change a winning team and the ditty continues. A simple account transfer still not done... The advisor by email gave me confirmation that this will be done in a short time: 4 months later still NOTHING. Email sent to the Head of the St Denis rue de Paris agency: no return. Letters sent by AR to Mr. Customer Director with a return mail, a very courteous response resulting in no solutions as well as a copy to Mr. Regional Director RĂ©union-Mayotte so that perhaps an individual in this hierarchy will do this manipulation that This is an account switch from an agency in the north sector to the east. We are not in a totalitarian state and changing advisors when the interface is no longer done is entirely legitimate. To date, nothing has been done to change my appreciation, as you say!




    Excellent Service.

Banque la plus proche

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